Why You Need A Master Of Businesses Administration (MBA) Degree

By Cami Ezenwa
There are not many professional learning certifications as prestigious as a Master of Business Administration (MBA) degree.
It is top on the list not only for those desirous of cutting a career in the allied sectors of Business and Management, but also for professionals to remain abreast of trends in their fields of endeavour.
The almighty Masters of Business Administration (MBA),’has remained a prerequisite for positions of influence in the corporate world
It runs on a vast and robust curriculum, that typifies the marriage principle of the town and the gown.
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By the principles it teaches and the practical stills it bequeaths, makes its graduates more marketable.
You certainly need a Masters of Business Administration (MBA) if your interest is a graduate degree that provides theoretical and practical training for business or entrepreneurship administration, business management, investment management etc.
In any case, ours is a society of businesses, at the micro, small, medium or large scale. It is a possession that does not go out of fashion, which value does not diminish.
Values that MBA degree entrench in you
1. Balancing theory and practice of business administration
2. Academic cum professional elevation
3. Increase in financial and social worth
4. Better appreciation of the values of time
5. Talent identification, grooming and deployment
6.Diligent management of financial and manpower assets.
7.How to multitask/Succeeding under pressure. Better Time Management.
8. It helps you build a network of high net worth individuals because an MBA programme is a shopping ground for high flying managers of blue chip companies
Rundown of course typically on offer for. Master of Business Administration (MBA) programme.
-Business Ethics
-Human Resources Management
-Applied Statistics
-Business Communication
-Corporate Law
-Srategic Management
-Supply Chain Management
What Job Titles Can Possession of MBA Qualify Me For
1. Managing Director/CEO
2. Management Consultant
3.Business Development Manager
4. Finance Director
5. Logistics Controller
6. Business Strategist
7.Lead Partner
8. Investment Analyst
9. Investment Banker
10. Risks Manager
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There are therefore many reasons you need a Master of Business Administration (MBA) in this hour.
It is an icing on your educational journey that softens prepares you for an enviable position in the workplace and society.
Automatically, you are a key decision maker, a business process advisor, thought leader, manager of key human and material resources, an influencer and valuable ally in development.
To add, all of those come impressive remuneration and other pecks of office.