What Are The Signs Of Fertility In A Woman?

The question, what are the signs of fertility in a woman, is a very important one especially if you are within the Nigerian cultural environment.
It is a known fact that children are the crowning glory in the average Nigerian marriage. And until the couple gives birth, there is no rest of mind, especially for the woman.
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Why is this so?
Even the bible underscores the important place of children in marriage.
It says that children are the heritage of the Lord, implying in a sense that the presence of children in a marriage implies the presence of God in the union. But for children to happen, the couple must be fertile.
What is fertility?
According to Verywellfamily, an online blog, fertility is the natural capacity to conceive a child, which it adds does not come easily to everyone. The inability to conceive naturally after one year of unprotected sexual intercourse, the platform says, is infertility.
For the American pregnancy association, fertility means the natural capability to conceive or induce conception. On the other hand, it describes Infertility as a condition of the reproductive system that prevents the conception of children.
Why is fertility important?
It is of primary consideration when marriages in some settings are being consummated. In Ogbaku a community of eighteen villages, close to Owerri, the Imo state capital, for example, parents usually make enquiries about the fertility history of any family before their children could marry into them.
It is usually a guarantee that the family tree would be sustained or kept alive so to say.
What are the factors for fertility?
The Centre For Women’s Health, for example lists a number of fertility indicators, including having age on your side, as according to them, fertility declines with age because fewer eggs remain in the ovaries; release of ripe ovarian eggs resulting in regular menstrual cycles, having an open and functional fallopian tubes, healthy uterine cavity.
Before considering fertility drugs, eating a healthy and varied diet may be a key part of maintaining good overall health, say Rakesh Sharma, Kelly R Biedenharn, Jennifer M Fedor and Ashok Agarwal in their article Reproductive Biology and Endocrinology, however, “there are certain vitamins and food groups that could have a greater impact on reproductive health than others”.
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What Are The Signs Of Fertility In A Woman ?
Temeka Zore, Infertility Specialist, lists the signs of fertility in a woman to include, change in cervical mucus, increased sex drive, increased sense of smell, and breast tenderness amongst others.