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Ogun Will Overcome, Ajadi’s New Year Message Of Hope



Three Things That Can Make Or Mar The Elections

By Cami Ezenwa

Ogun will overcome, the Ogun State gubernatorial candidate of the New Nigeria People’s Party, (NNPP), Ambassador Olufemi Ajadi Oguntoyinbo, has declared.

Ajadi’s optimistic statement came as part of his New Year message released to his immediate constituency of Ogun first and Nigeria at large on New Year Day.


He described his New Year message as both a prophetic declaration and a call to action .

He said his optimism that Ogun will overcome, is based on both human, natural and material endowment of the state, saying that all that remained was an effective harnessing of these God-given attributes.

This, he added would enable the state experience the socio-economic and political renaissance befitting it as a “Gateway State”.


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In the New Year Message of Hope, issued by his Director of Media and Publicity, Mr Cami Ezenwa, Ajadi said such a renaissance would come from effective address of critical issues bedeviling key areas of the state.

Identifying these to be both people and infrastructure-centred, he added:”It is people that make up a nation and it is people that drive development.


“So when you take care of the people, it is easier to drive development.

“That is why part of our resolve is to focus on human development and welfare acoss all levels.

” Once people are taken care of, they would be motivated to drive your development” , Ajadi said.


Ajadi explained that Ogun will overcome, because his people-centred policies would see to improved working conditions of those in the state’s civil service so that they would continue to give their best, that

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“We will seek improved working conditions for civil servants. We will also intensify efforts at settling outstanding pensions and gratuities of daddies and mummies, and uncles and aunties who have served the state with their energy”


Rephrasing from the scripture that labourers are worthy of their wages, he said it would amount to bringing a curse upon a state for those who served it in their prime to be left to wallow in abject poverty and frustration upon retirement.

“It is also what contributes to nepotism and corruption in public service.

“When workers are not sure what will become of them upon their retirement, they put their hands in all kinds of corruption.


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“We will not just preach to people in service not to be corrupt, we will work towards this by ensuring a level of comfort for them, during and after service.

“That’s why my administration will ensure  improved workers’ welfare first, and also better and prompt payment of severance entitlements of civil servants.


” We will use these to fight corruption in public service and use it to, engender hardwork and and promote productivity in our gateway state”, Ajadi said.