Man Of God, Beware, These Things Can Ruin Your Anointing, Ministry
As a man of God, you know what price it had taken to get your ministry to where it is now, but don’t be too naïve to believe that nothing could threaten such a foundation.
Even the Bible says, he who thinks he is standing should be ware, and that the devil, like a roaring lion, walks about seeking whom he may devour
The devouring is for those who do not keep watch.
What then are those things which can ruin a ministry, or man of God?
- Women
Sometimes, when the issue of women ruining an anointing, most people tend to think in terms of the man of God being romanced by a omwna out there, or more often, a female member.
As much as these are all possibilities, most people forget what should be the first point of concern – the home front manager – the wife.
Man of God, beware, because accounts have shown that most ministers of the gospel that had a dramatic and shameful fall from the height were actually pulled down by their spouses.
The pitfalls are usually in the area of denial of sex, prayerlessness, quarrelsomeness with almost everyone around, sometimes, succeeding in driving vision helpers, and even greed.
There is a man of God currently, devoted, disciplined, lovely and completely sold out to God but that has been struggling with a paltry number in terms of membership
A personal investigation shows that his wife has actually been driving the people God brings to him.
She is overbearing in the adjudicating the matters of the church, suspicious and self-centered.
- Love of money
Truly, the Bible in Ecclesiastes 7: 12 says that money answereth all things, and that money is a defence. The same Bible also says in 1.Timothy 6:10 that the love of money is the root of all evils. Many anointed pastors have watched their anointing fly out of the window because of their greed for money.They want to corner all monies that come their way, and sometimes go the extra mile.
Some, under obligation of remitting a percentage of all incomes to their headquarters, their very roots, end up cornering these. Some can never be trusted with handling a project or carrying out a service without seeking personal aggrandisement.
We also have another example here, of a newly graduated pastor, whom God gave the favor of joining one of the leading ministries in the country. To show God truly loved him, he was almost immediately seconded to the headquarters church and put in charge of the offering. He began to live a very flamboyant life, and before long, perfected a plan to relocate from the country using tithes and offerings he had cornered. Long and short of it, he was caught halfway and repatriated.
- Prayerlessness
Ministry no doubt is not easy. Besides the spiritual preparation, there are also administrative encumbrances. Sometimes however, men of God allow themselves to be so much encumbered by administrative duties , leaving the more critical. The absence of a devoted life in prayer is carnality, and the beginning of downfall. Beware man of God. Get back on your knees if you have backslid in the area of prayer.
- Unwillingness to learn and adapt
The world we live in is a very dynamic one, and any man of God who is not willing to adapt to current realities without loving their mission, would find, sooner than later that they no longer have a ministry.
The lock-down occasioned by social distancing in deference to the rapidly receding corona virus pandemic is an example. Imagine the amount of loss that ministries that refused to adapt and adopt dynamics offered by technology would have suffered.
On the other hand, ministries on the cutting edge of development, were, despite the initial shocks, able to keep touch with their members. Not only did they sustain their social media connections, but began online services, that still delivered salvation and empowerment messages.
- Overconfidence
Overconfidence could flow from too much consciousness of past feats, as not to seek fresh anointing daily. But look at men of God recording exploits regularly, they never leave the presence of God, they are never overconfident.
READ ALSO: Why Ghanaian Pastor, Sylvester Shot Dead His Wife –Friend
Man of God, remember that God is your source. Stay in His presence, which includes chewing the word of God, and constantly seeking new perspectives and interpretations to every line of scripture with which they admonish their congregation.
Take heed man of God; man of God, take heed!
## Are you a man of God? What other things do you think could ruin a God-ordained ministry? Help others to say on the cutting edge by letting us know. Thank you for reading.