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How To Guarantee A Secure Happy Future (II)



Secure Happy Future
  1. Save For Tomorrow

No matter what your income level is, allocate to savings a prominent column in your expenditure plan. That way, you are not securing your future and those of your family, you are also saving yourself personal agonies especially in the face of financial emergencies. Some people really desirous of a secure happy future, go ahead to have medium and long term savings.

  • Be Disciplined With Money

Whether you are talking about saving for tomorrow, or sticking to your budget plans, a disciplinarian lifestyle is important. By this, we mean guarding against premature dismantling of the already well-thought saving plan goading you to a well-secure future.

  • Nourish your body with good food and sleep…

One guarantee of a a Secure Happy Future is a healthy body, and this normally comes with good food and healthy exercise. Good food nourishes your body and enables it to carry you well with age. Good food means is one that contains or can produce a balance of all the nutrients the body needs to stay health. Carbohydrate, protein, vitamin, fat, minerals etc.

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it will not be out of place to maintain a food menu that contains these elements in their right proportions. In Nigeria, with its array of nourishing natural foods, some people try to consume as much quantity as possible of each food in its season. Discretion however is needed here to avoid over-concentration of one food type in the body with its obvious dire consequences.


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