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Eid-el Kabir: Ajadi Admonishes Political Office Holders Best Way To Celebrate



Eid-el Kabir

Nigerian industrialist, Ambassador Olufemi Ajadi Oguntoyinbo has advised political office holders best way to celebrate the ongoing Eid-el Kabir.

Ajadi who is also a Chieftain of the New Nigeria People’s Party, (NNPP), proferred the advise while greeting Muslims on the festival.

He said for Nigerian political leaders, especially those of them of the Islamic faith, that the best way to celebrate Eid-el Kabir was to embrace the principle of responsibility and sacrifice in the handling of affairs committed into their hands.

Such a resolve, he said, would make them strive to fulfill whatever promises they made to the electorate during the electioneering campaigns.


Eid – El Kabir is celebrated Worldwide by the Muslim faithful to commemorates the willingness of Ibrahim to sacrifice his son as an act of obedience to Allah‘s (God) command in the Islamic tradition, just as Ibrahim was about to carry out the sacrifice in fulfilment of promise made, Allah intervened and provided a ram to be sacrificed instead of his son, Ismaheel.

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Ajadi in his message to mark the occasion of Eid-El Kabir on Sunday urged political leaders to emulate Ibrahim’s obedience to Allah’s command and fulfilment of promise made to Allah, urging them to also make necessary sacrifice to grow the nation and bring prosperity to the people of Nigeria.

“Despite the current harsh economy, I urge our Muslim brothers and sisters to rejoice for the gift of life. When we are alive, there is hope of a better tomorrow. We should particularly be grateful to Almighty Allah for the peace we are currently enjoying in our nation.


“In the same way, I call on Nigerians to use the occasion to pray for our leaders both at the national and state levels for God to continue guiding their steps to lead the country from hardship to prosperity.

“Our political leaders should also learn from the sacrifice made by Ibrahim to surrender his only son for sacrifice promised to Allah until Allah saw his clean mind and replaced him with a ram for sacrifice. No sacrifice is too much to ensure peaceful and prosperity of Nigerians.

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“When leaders make the necessary sacrifice, God will intervene and bring prosperity on our land.

“Political Leaders must remember the promises made during the electioneering campaigns and fulfill the promises to the electorate who based on these promises defied rain and hot sunshine to vote them to power.

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