DOWEN COLLEGE- More Revelations Emerge From Ex-Female Students

DOWEN COLLEGE- More Revelations Emerge From Ex-Female Students
Dowen College- More revelations have emerged from ex-female students of Dowen College where late Sylvester Oromoni, died allegedly a victim of bullying.
The fresh revelations are coming from former students of the school who spoke on conditions of anonymity to Vanguard.
The report mentioned one of the former students giving her name as Pat, as saying she was forced into a relationship with a Senior Secondary 3 student in 2017, to spare her brother, a Junior Secondary school 2 border, the horror of bullying.
Pat, who graduated from the college in 2018, said, “I was forced to go into relationship with one SSS 3 boy who was a bully in 2017,. This was because he always picked on my brother who was in JSS 2.
“He asked me out when I was in SSS 1 . I told him I would give it a thought . When he saw I was not forthcoming , he started bullying my brother who just came in. It got worse when he was in JSS 2. I had to give in, to save my brother the beating”.
DOWEN COLLEGE- More Revelations Emerge From Ex-Female Students
She also put a call across to one of her former classmates, who after some hesitation responded:
“ it was God that saved our brothers o, you know now”
“ for me, I bought expensive cloths and perfumes for one particular senior then. The first time he hit my brother who was in JSS 1 , I couldn’t challenge him because other senior students would gang up against me if I did.
That had been the norm. The second time , he slammed my brother’s head against the wall . That caused him to fall sick and he was going in and out of the sick bay for three days.
“I summond courage one afternoon and approached him. I begged him to stop bullying my brother that he was my parents’ only son . He said I must get him a perfume first, before he would consider my plea. I did . And all through SS 2 ,I kept buying him perfumes and shirts until he graduated.
The school was never aware such things were going on. And woe betide whoever went to report any case of bullying. It would be better for the child to leave the school.
But when I got to SSS 3, I defended some Junior students against bullying. The strategy I used was to make them my school children.
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“Victims of bullying could easily be identified among thier peers. They were usually withdrawn and live in fear. They jostle at the slightest noise.
These and other signs are what management of schools and parents should look out for”, she said.