Body Dey Pepper Am Since Him Husband Abandon Am Go Abroad

By Cami Ezenwa
‘Body Dey Pepper Am, and if by any chance you encounter her on the Giwa-Ogba Keke route, you will surely know. After all, as it is said, hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.
And a sultry temperament is not something to keep under wraps for too long.
As it were, the story behind that sultry temperament came to the fore recently, following her bitter exchange with a Keke driver on the route.
Bulky and chocolatey, she prefers to stand way off, waiting for the right opportunity.
That right opportunity is other passengers preferring the next Keke on the queue rather than sit in front by the driver, for its obvious disadvantage – little space.
Even if she had secured a back seat and there are some hesitations from the fourth passenger to take the remaining seat in front, she would elect to bail out the situation even with obvious personal discomfort. But it will soon emerge “why body dey pepper am.
Plump or busty ladies are not the first to want to pair the driver, so how is it different with this lady?.
The Keke drivers in their usual mercantilist and selfish behaviour had hiked the fare to N700 from the N500 it had been (in fact it is N800 currently) and there was but a feeble resistance from the commuters.
She waited, and when there was the usual reluctance in others filling the front seat by the driver, she elected to do so.
That was relief for those already seated, because the unexpected hike in fare and already seated passengers dropping and rejoining had taken some time.
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The Keke driver, a typical business minded fellow insisted on collecting his money.before take off.
Everybody promptly paid up, not the lady.
“Be going, don’t you know me again, let’s go, I will give you your money” was her line of response whereby the driver remained adamant.
From his back, you could see the strands of neck muscles, as resolute as his face.
He kept waiting, tactically handing over the task of getting the lady to pay up to the passengers.
And truly, they were equal to it.
Comments here and there, and the fair complexion lady, couldn’t cope with again. Reluctantly but assuredly, she handed over her fare.
If you thought the journey would now proceed hitch-free, you had another thought coming.
Apparently, the lady did not take kindly to the reactions leading to her paying up and it began to show in her disposition and reactions, such that a scuffle ensued between her and the driver before long.
“Why body dey pepper you,? Why sef”, the driver remonstrated, when he could no longer endure her pushes.
“Why body no go pepper me”, she encountered, “is that how to drive Keke? Why body dey pepper am”?, so I should allow you to be pressing my breasts…
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Hey, matter don enter another leg.
From “why body dey pepper am”, to, “so I should allow you to be pressing my breasts”.
And at that point, we were trying to examine, whether truly somebody was pressing another person’s whatever in the guise of driving.
Come to think of it, how can such a plumpy lady with bulging chests sit by a Keke driver and not go through such a procedure, deliberate or incidental?
At other times in the past, you had innocently wondered if almost all the ladies that agree to sit in front of Keke, have not by implication, voluntarily elected to be massaged by some cunning Keke drivers’ elbows..
Anyway the lady had reached her destination and got off.
That was the opportunity the Keke driver had to supply the whole background to the faceoff.
“No mind am, since him husband abandon am go abroad, body dey pepper am,”, explaining that it had meant her taking care of the children alone.
According to him, the lady, though Igbo, married a Yoruba man, who, one day decided to relocate abroad, without as much as taking the wife into confidence, much less having any plans of bringing his family over.
Understanding her condition, many Keke drivers on the route pick on a discounted fare of N500 daily, including our driver, until today.
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The driver himself said his “Father Christmas” of discounting N2
Christmas” of discounting N200 for her had ceased, which made him insist on collecting all fares before takeoff…
“Body dey pepper am”, ever since. On the one hand, she is under a challenging emotional problem – absence of a husband, and uncertainty of the status of the marriage; a scary financial circumstance of providing for two boys and the most recent: additional hike in the fare.
Matters Arising/Questions:
Which account do you believe?
- Body Dey Pepper Am because the husband abandon am go abroad true true?
- The Keke driver may actually have been rubbing her breasts before now but faced resistance today because he made her pay complete fair
- The lady is angry generally because of the general hike in prices, N200 more would translate to much
- If she knew, she would taken a more comfortable seat at the back.