Be Wise, 5 Tips To Save Money From Huge Electricity Bills

There are 5 tips to save money from huge electricity bills that you should know about.
The tips have become necessary in view of the realization that huge electricity bills is one way in which many households and organisations waste scarce resources.
Nothing can be more callous with the biting economy in town.
Join the many households and organisations adopting these 5 tips, to save money from huge electricity bills.
Below are the 5 tips:
- Use energy-saving LED bulbs for all your lighting and decrease your energy use as reasonably practicable.
- Make an effort to clean and replace air-conditioner filters as recommended by the manufacturer
This is because air conditioners use the most electricity in your home and make up a large part of your electricity bill. They consume more energy when the air filters are too dusty for them to work efficiently..
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- Use small electric burners for small pots and large burner for large pots when cooking. Electricity is conserved when you cook.
- Turn off all electrical appliances when not in use.
- To save money, also replace old appliances such as washer, dryer and fridge with new, more energy efficient ones.-
Courtesy: Eko Electricity Distribution Company