Are You Merely Surviving Financially, Here’s What To Do?

Are you living in financial abundance or merely surviving financially?
The above question, as germane as it is, can sometimes get in-between our nerves.
Truth however is that it should serve as a barometer of how well we are coping with life speaking from money perspective.
Are we suffering despite daily toils, just surviving by the fringes or enjoying life to the hilt?
According to a submission by money coach, Olumide Emmanuel, the whole concept of surviving financially, living average or abundantly, is a thing of the mind.
To come out of a state of mere survival, to experiencing real abundance, one must have a significant mindset even while at that point of struggle, he says, in one of his motivational broadcasts.
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Many, he inferes, remain insignificant because they tend to approximate their total mission or whole essence in life to affording basic things of life, to meeting daily needs whereas the heavenly commission is for them to be in a position to really impact humanity.
Added he:
“You are too small to be the purpose of God for your life. How many cars can you drive, how many clothes can you wear, how much food can you eat?. Life is about impact”.
Money, which all crave for, Mr Emmanuel adds is not an end in itself, and could be misapplied when its purpose is not understood.
“Money is a reward for solving problems. And money is a tool for the fulfilment of purpose . So, money is nothing but a tool to make impact. That is why you have rich people set foundations, giving billions away and they are still rich. Why? Because they have entered financial freedom“.
What then should be the right mindset when still trying to find one’s financial footing?
“At that struggling stage of life, you must not have survival mentality. Even though you don’t have money, you are poor, and jobless, your mindset should be: I’ want to make an impact, a difference, I want to make money.
“It is when you are making impact, being significant that you come out of survival and become successful”.
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The coach is of the opinion that one could become significant without trying to make money
“How can you become significant without trying to make money?
“That is the problem, you are not supposed to be looking for money: you are supposed to be looking for problems to solve and impact to make.
You see, value in life is meeting needs, solving problems, answering questions”, he admonishes.