Midwife Calls Out Husbands Of Abandoned Pregnant Wives

Rising cases of abandoned pregnant wives has become an issue of concern to a humane midwife who now calls out husbands to be men enough.
She is urging them to complete the job they start by staying with their pregnant wives through delivery, and also picking the bills.
Midwife in charge of the Neonatal unit at the Koforidua Regional Hospital, capital of the Eastern Region in southern Ghana, Joana Yorke Amoah, is reported by Daily Guide, as saying that most pregnant women attend the Neonatal unit unprepared financially, and thus unable to foot the bills.
“Some of them have insurance, it is just a few who don’t have, and sometimes too they are not well prepared when you ask if the money that they are having is not enough”, she said, at an MTN annual Yello Care Initiative. .
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“They cannot foot the bills so sometimes we encourage them to deposit what they have on them, then we later call the family members to come and pay the rest for them”.
“With the financial handicap of their husbands don’t show up, they just come and dump them here and then they leave them, we take their numbers and call them and they don’t respond to us”.
Of the nine babies delivered on Christmas Day, she informed, six were taken through a Cesarean Section while the other three were delivered normally.
Sylvia Smith, in her discourse on the concept of desertion in marriage, says it occurs when a married According to her, it implies either one of the spouses leaving their family home and the relationship without letting their partner know about this. It happens suddenly and without the consent of the other spouse.
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The Eagle reports that economic reasons are usually at the root of many cases of abandoned pregnant wives, especially when the woman gives birth to a number of children that the husband had not envisaged.